• Afbeelding 1
Opening Expo Do You Know Me? Ema Makes Art
Vrijdag, 06. Maart 2020, 18:00 - 20:00
Hits : 390
Contact Liza

Nieuwe Expo in Averechts. Dit keer van onze collega Ema Alsina


Free Art Exhibit Opening Party with Snacks

"Do You Know Me? Faces of Utrecht" is a portrait collection of familiar faces in our community. These are people who you see playing music in the street, selling the straatnieuws, or asking for coins. These are some of the most well known faces in our city, yet most of us know little at all about the people behind them. For each portrait, I met the person, interviewed and photographed them with their permission.

I hope that this exhibit will generate a little more gezeligheid in our Utrecht community. Lastly, I hope that this artwork helps you see yourself and those around you with gentleness and empathy.doyouknowme