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Expositie Luka

IMG 0436

De komende twee maanden exposeren wij het prachtige werk van kunstenaar Luka. De opening van de expositie is op vrijdag 9 november om 17:00 uur.

“My name is Luka.
I’m a 24 year old artist located in Amsterdam, who enjoys illustrating, etching and screen printing.
I have a passion for gardening, nature and sustainable living. My dream is to one day build my own farm house with natural resources such as cob, stone and wood, have my own water source and solar panels for energy.

The inspiration for my artworks I find in different aspects of my surroundings and experiences: while travelling it can be conversations with strangers at nightly campfires in faraway countries. I also use illustration as means of expressing my queer identity.
I hope to eventually sell enough art to help save up for buying a piece of land and giving myself and animals a safe and natural place and way of living.

Facebook: facebook.com/Lukaismyname
Instagram: AlienLiquorice”